本文共 12393 字,大约阅读时间需要 41 分钟。
- import os, stat
- import time
- import shutil
- import filecmp
- def usage():
- return
- class PyRobocopier:
- prog_name = "pyrobocopy.py"
- def __init__(self):
- self.__dir1 = ''
- self.__dir2 = ''
- self.__dcmp = None
- self.__copyfiles = True
- self.__forcecopy = False
- self.__copydirection = 0
- self.__updatefiles = True
- self.__creatdirs = True
- self.__purge =False
- self.__maketarget =False
- self.__modtimeonly =False
- self.__mainfunc = None
- self.__numdirs =0
- self.__numfiles =0
- self.__numdelfiles =0
- self.__numdeldirs =0
- self.__numnewdirs =0
- self.__numupdates =0
- self.__starttime = 0.0
- self.__endtime = 0.0
- self.__numcopyfld =0
- self.__numupdsfld =0
- self.__numdirsfld =0
- self.__numdelffld =0
- self.__numdeldfld =0
- def parse_args(self, arguments):
- import getopt
- shortargs = "supncm"
- longargs = ["synchronize=", "update=", "purge=", "nodirection=", "create=", "modtime="]
- try:
- optlist, args = getopt.getopt( arguments, shortargs, longargs )
- except getopt.GetoptError, e:
- print e
- return None
- allargs = []
- if len(optlist):
- allargs = [x[0] for x in optlist]
- allargs.extend( args )
- self.__setargs( allargs )
- def __setargs(self, argslist):
- for option in argslist:
- if option.lower() in ('-s', '--synchronize'):
- self.__mainfunc = self.synchronize
- elif option.lower() in ('-u', '--update'):
- self.__mainfunc = self.update
- elif option.lower() in ('-d', '--diff'):
- self.__mainfunc = self.dirdiff
- elif option.lower() in ('-p', '--purge'):
- self.__purge = True
- elif option.lower() in ('-n', '--nodirection'):
- self.__copydirection = 2
- elif option.lower() in ('-f', '--force'):
- self.__forcecopy = True
- elif option.lower() in ('-c', '--create'):
- self.__maketarget = True
- elif option.lower() in ('-m', '--modtime'):
- self.__modtimeonly = True
- else:
- if self.__dir1=='':
- self.__dir1 = option
- elif self.__dir2=='':
- self.__dir2 = option
- if self.__dir1=='' or self.__dir2=='':
- sys.exit("Argument Error: Directory arguments not given!")
- if not os.path.isdir(self.__dir1):
- sys.exit("Argument Error: Source directory does not exist!")
- if not self.__maketarget and not os.path.isdir(self.__dir2):
- sys.exit("Argument Error: Target directory %s does not exist! (Try the -c option)." % self.__dir2)
- if self.__mainfunc is None:
- sys.exit("Argument Error: Specify an action (Diff, Synchronize or Update) ")
- self.__dcmp = filecmp.dircmp(self.__dir1, self.__dir2)
- def do_work(self):
- self.__starttime = time.time()
- if not os.path.isdir(self.__dir2):
- if self.__maketarget:
- print 'Creating directory', self.__dir2
- try:
- os.makedirs(self.__dir2)
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- return None
- self.__mainfunc()
- self.__endtime = time.time()
- def __dowork(self, dir1, dir2, copyfunc = None, updatefunc = None):
- print 'Source directory: ', dir1, ':'
- self.__numdirs += 1
- self.__dcmp = filecmp.dircmp(dir1, dir2)
- if self.__purge:
- for f2 in self.__dcmp.right_only:
- fullf2 = os.path.join(dir2, f2)
- print 'Deleting ',fullf2
- try:
- if os.path.isfile(fullf2):
- try:
- os.remove(fullf2)
- self.__numdelfiles += 1
- except OSError, e:
- print e
- self.__numdelffld += 1
- elif os.path.isdir(fullf2):
- try:
- shutil.rmtree( fullf2, True )
- self.__numdeldirs += 1
- except shutil.Error, e:
- print e
- self.__numdeldfld += 1
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- continue
- for f1 in self.__dcmp.left_only:
- try:
- st = os.stat(os.path.join(dir1, f1))
- except os.error:
- continue
- if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
- if copyfunc: copyfunc(f1, dir1, dir2)
- elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
- fulld1 = os.path.join(dir1, f1)
- fulld2 = os.path.join(dir2, f1)
- if self.__creatdirs:
- try:
- print 'Copying tree', fulld2
- shutil.copytree(fulld1, fulld2)
- self.__numnewdirs += 1
- print 'Done.'
- except shutil.Error, e:
- print e
- self.__numdirsfld += 1
- continue
- for f1 in self.__dcmp.common:
- try:
- st = os.stat(os.path.join(dir1, f1))
- except os.error:
- continue
- if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
- if updatefunc: updatefunc(f1, dir1, dir2)
- elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
- fulld1 = os.path.join(dir1, f1)
- fulld2 = os.path.join(dir2, f1)
- self.__dowork(fulld1, fulld2, copyfunc, updatefunc)
- def __copy(self, filename, dir1, dir2):
- if self.__copyfiles:
- print 'Copying file', filename, dir1, dir2
- try:
- if self.__copydirection== 0 or self.__copydirection == 2:
- if not os.path.exists(dir2):
- if self.__forcecopy:
- os.chmod(os.path.dirname(dir2), 0777)
- try:
- os.makedirs(dir1)
- except OSError, e:
- print e
- self.__numdirsfld += 1
- if self.__forcecopy:
- os.chmod(dir2, 0777)
- sourcefile = os.path.join(dir1, filename)
- try:
- shutil.copy(sourcefile, dir2)
- self.__numfiles += 1
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- print e
- self.__numcopyfld += 1
- elif self.__copydirection==1 or self.__copydirection == 2:
- if not os.path.exists(dir1):
- if self.__forcecopy:
- os.chmod(os.path.dirname(dir1), 0777)
- try:
- os.makedirs(dir1)
- except OSError, e:
- print e
- self.__numdirsfld += 1
- targetfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir1, filename))
- if self.__forcecopy:
- os.chmod(dir1, 0777)
- sourcefile = os.path.join(dir2, filename)
- try:
- shutil.copy(sourcefile, dir1)
- self.__numfiles += 1
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- print e
- self.__numcopyfld += 1
- except Exception, e:
- print 'Error copying file', filename, e
- def __cmptimestamps(self, filest1, filest2):
- return ((filest1.st_mtime > filest2.st_mtime) or \
- (not self.__modtimeonly and (filest1.st_ctime > filest2.st_mtime)))
- def __update(self, filename, dir1, dir2):
- print 'Updating file', filename
- if self.__updatefiles:
- file1 = os.path.join(dir1, filename)
- file2 = os.path.join(dir2, filename)
- try:
- st1 = os.stat(file1)
- st2 = os.stat(file2)
- except os.error:
- return -1
- if self.__copydirection==0 or self.__copydirection == 2:
- if self.__cmptimestamps( st1, st2 ):
- print 'Updating file ', file2
- try:
- if self.__forcecopy:
- os.chmod(file2, 0666)
- try:
- shutil.copy(file1, file2)
- self.__numupdates += 1
- return 0
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- print e
- self.__numupdsfld += 1
- return -1
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- return -1
- elif self.__copydirection==1 or self.__copydirection == 2:
- if self.__cmptimestamps( st2, st1 ):
- print 'Updating file ', file1
- try:
- if self.__forcecopy:
- os.chmod(file1, 0666)
- try:
- shutil.copy(file2, file1)
- self.__numupdates += 1
- return 0
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- print e
- self.__numupdsfld += 1
- return -1
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- return -1
- return -1
- def __dirdiffandcopy(self, dir1, dir2):
- self.__dowork(dir1, dir2, self.__copy)
- def __dirdiffandupdate(self, dir1, dir2):
- self.__dowork(dir1, dir2, None, self.__update)
- def __dirdiffcopyandupdate(self, dir1, dir2):
- self.__dowork(dir1, dir2, self.__copy, self.__update)
- def __dirdiff(self):
- if self.__dcmp.left_only:
- print 'Only in', self.__dir1
- for x in self.__dcmp.left_only:
- print '>>', x
- if self.__dcmp.right_only:
- print 'Only in', self.__dir2
- for x in self.__dcmp.right_only:
- print '<<', x
- if self.__dcmp.common:
- print 'Common to', self.__dir1,' and ',self.__dir2
- print
- for x in self.__dcmp.common:
- print '--', x
- else:
- print 'No common files or sub-directories!'
- def synchronize(self):
- self.__copyfiles = True
- self.__updatefiles = True
- self.__creatdirs = True
- self.__copydirection = 0
- print 'Synchronizing directory', self.__dir2, 'with', self.__dir1 ,'\n'
- self.__dirdiffcopyandupdate(self.__dir1, self.__dir2)
- def update(self):
- self.__copyfiles = False
- self.__updatefiles = True
- self.__purge = False
- self.__creatdirs = False
- print 'Updating directory', self.__dir2, 'from', self.__dir1 , '\n'
- self.__dirdiffandupdate(self.__dir1, self.__dir2)
- def dirdiff(self):
- self.__copyfiles = False
- self.__updatefiles = False
- self.__purge = False
- self.__creatdirs = False
- self.__updatefiles = False
- print 'Difference of directory ', self.__dir2, 'from', self.__dir1 , '\n'
- self.__dirdiff()
- def report(self):
- tt = (str(self.__endtime - self.__starttime))[:4]
- print '\nPython robocopier finished in',tt, 'seconds.'
- print self.__numdirs, 'directories parsed,',self.__numfiles, 'files copied.'
- if self.__numdelfiles:
- print self.__numdelfiles, 'files were purged.'
- if self.__numdeldirs:
- print self.__numdeldirs, 'directories were purged.'
- if self.__numnewdirs:
- print self.__numnewdirs, 'directories were created.'
- if self.__numupdates:
- print self.__numupdates, 'files were updated by timestamp.'
- print '\n'
- if self.__numcopyfld:
- print self.__numcopyfld, 'files could not be copied.'
- if self.__numdirsfld:
- print self.__numdirsfld, 'directories could not be created.'
- if self.__numupdsfld:
- print self.__numupdsfld, 'files could not be updated.'
- if self.__numdeldfld:
- print self.__numdeldfld, 'directories could not be purged.'
- if self.__numdelffld:
- print self.__numdelffld, 'files could not be purged.'
- if __name__=="__main__":
- import sys
- if len(sys.argv)<2:
- sys.exit( usage() % PyRobocopier.prog_name )
- copier = PyRobocopier()
- copier.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
- copier.do_work()
- copier.report()
本文转自阿汐 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/axiii/301212,如需转载请自行联系原作者